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Pathologies and Treatments

Scoliosi e spondilolistesi

Correction and stabilization of scoliosis and spondylolisthesis (instrumented arthrodesis)

Vertebral fracture stabilization

and tumor pathologies

Fratture vertebrali stabilizzazione
Ernie discali lombari

Treatment of lumbar and cervical herniated discs (microdiscectomy)

Simple cervical, thoracic and lumbar discectomy with microsurgical approach for herniated discs

Discectomia cervicale toracica e lombare
Scoliosi, cifosi,, esiti di fratture

Correction of congenital and acquired deformities (scoliosis, kyphosis, outcomes of fractures, etc.) with traditional techniques (fusion and arthrodesis) and minivasive with anterior approaches

Surgical treatment of isthmic spondylolisthesis (through reconstruction of the isthmus) or degenerative with traditional techniques and video-assisted minivasive

Spondilolistesi tecniche chirurgiche mininvasive
mal di schiena cronico

Surgical treatment of "chronic back pain" (Low back pain) using functional reconstructive techniques (lumbar "mobile" prostheses) with an anterior minimally invasive approach

Surgical treatment of symptomatic cervical disc disease, whether or not associated with myelopathy, by replacing the disc with removable prostheses

Discopatie cervicali
Mielopatia cervicale

Treatment of cervical myelopathy by decompression and reconstruction of the cervical spine by an anterior or posterior route

Dynamic stabilization of the spine using systems that preserve movement

Stabilizzazione colonna vertebrale
fratture vertebrali

Treatment of vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis or osteolytic metastatic lesions using traditional techniques (stabilization arthrodesis) or minimally invasive percutaneous (vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty)

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